Monday, March 31, 2008


I love spring. This weekend it seemed like the whole world was out. Even though Saturday night was pretty chilly, there were tons of people out on U Street where I spent the early part of the evening. It had been so gorgeous during the day, I think everyone just got that spring fever going and the evening drop in temperature wasn't going to stop 'em. This felt like the first weekend of the year where the city had really shaken off the winter slumber. I even managed to get a run in... unfortunately I was having too much fun this weekend to get any work on the house done! There is no question I will be paying for that in the evenings this week, as my self-imposed deadline is starting to loom.

Anyway, here are a few recent pics to go with the spring theme. This is from the little park outside my office, it was so nice on Friday I felt the need to get the hell out of the office for a few minutes and photograph the cherry blossoms. Enjoy.

Cab hating update: I was heading back to my neighborhood from U street around midnight on Saturday. It was pretty cold by then, and as I pointed myself north on 13th Street I was greeted with a very stiff headwind. All right, maybe it's time to break down and get a cab. I tried to hail several empty cabs and you know what? They all blew me off. Whatever. After five minutes of that crap I started on foot up 13th and ended up at home 25 minutes later slightly chilly but 9 dollars richer.

Sliver Spring Spring 4
Juggler In Spring

Spring At Last

Sliver Spring Spring 3

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