Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Repeat: That's Not Lancelot

I happened to be watching the local news last night. This is a result of my new television addiction -- without even thinking I turned on the TV when I got home last night and started watching whatever drivel was spewing forth.

The story was about this couple in Boca Raton who cloned their yellow lab Lancelot. I was immediately reminded of the fairly decent Arnie sci-fi yarn called The 6th Day (2000). The movie, set in the not-so-distant future, begins with our hero taking his dead dog to the local "Repet" outlet to get the expired pooch replaced with a spanking new clone version. Best name for a pet-cloning business ever, I might add.

And as it turns out, the future is basically here. While you won't find Repet at the Montgomery Mall just yet, simply send a self-addressed stamped enevelope, a frozen DNA sample, and $155,000 to the BioArts International company in South Korea, and ten weeks later, you'll have yourself a Lancelot Encore. Yes, that is what they named him.

"When he crosses his front legs over each other while lying down, that's when we'll know he's the same," said Ed Otto.

Ummm.... yeah... I've never, ever seen another dog do that before... you know, I may just start my own pet "cloning" business...

But I am not going to comment on the absurdity of spending the GNP of some third world countries on cloning a yellow lab. No, that is not my point today. I just like it when fictions related to Arnold Schwarzenegger become reality.

From the 1993 movie "Demolition Man," starring Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock....

SB: I have in fact perused some newsreels from the Schwarzenegger Library, and that time that you took that car...

SS: Hold it!.... "Schwarzenegger Library?!?"

SB: Yes, the Schwarzenegger Presidential Library! Wasn't he an actor when you...

SS: Stop! He was president?!

SB: Yes! Even though he was not born in this country, his popularity caused the 61st Amendment which states....

That's right, kids, you heard it here first. Schwarzenegger '16!!

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