Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Joe The Plumber To Solve Middle East Crisis

This is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen since the picture of John McCain trying to eat Barack Obama after the debate. Just when "Joe the Plumber" was about to again be someone who might actually be able to fix your toilet, he's back and more baffling than ever!

Joe has somehow schlepped himself to the Middle East to lift the curtain from the ongoing crisis and apparently interview... er... some actual reporters. Some classic dialogue follows. Here are a few snippets but this is a must-watch!!

Note... since I wrote this last night, "Pajamas TV" now requires registration to watch this, er, piece. Sorry...

"Some folks were saying I'm going out of my way to make them dislike me, but I'm just bein' myself." Guess it worked out in the end huh?


"You guys are media right? ... Listen to what this guy's gotta say. Don't slant it, get the facts tell the truth!" Thanks for the advice, Joe. While we're here, I've got a few pieces of advice for you on installing a new shower fixture.


"Quite hontestly, I'm not real happy with any of you guys... hey guys, you want a story? C'mere..... well who you guys with? Reuters? Huh. Reuters." The gears are turning.... aren't they the guys who clear out storm drains for me?


"I'm not the story. I'm just an average guy." Yeah, my electrician just got back from Iraq too, where he was able to find out once and for all why all those dudes keep killing each other.


"The story here is, people are being killed. And the media is slanting it, trying to make it Hamas's, ah, as far as ah y'know Israel's being bad. Do you believe Israel's being bad?" Oh jesuschristbloodyhellfirekillmequickly please tell me The Onion put you up to this.


"(To reporter) Do you think Israel has every right to protect itself? You do? Have you said that on air? [I'm just a reporter] You're just a reporter." Wow. Just wow. Joe has succesfully exposed a reporter as, er, admitting they don't go out of their way to include a personal bias in their reporting. Wow Joe! You should get a pulitzer prize.


At the end of the day, good entertainment is still good entertainment, so I can't knock it too hard!!


Titania said...

And that is not enough, ladies and gentlemen... please take a look at this:

Titania said...

Ah! just to give you the tone, this a bit from that link:

"“I think media should be abolished from, you know, reporting,” Wurzelbacher said. “You know, war is hell. And if you’re gonna sit there and say, ‘well, look at this atrocity,’ well you don’t know the whole story behind it half the time, so I think the media should have no business in it.”

Jamie said...

Awesome! I love some of the comments on the CNN story.

"think this is pretty cool,Joe calls a spade a spade in front of his house,gets national attention ,the Obama Democrats "try to burn him,even use the government to try and discredit him ,because he made Obama look like a fool"He is a ROCK STAR now,just like Obama !!"

Ummm.... fool = rock star? I guess sometimes...

"Well said Joe…! With every right comes responsibility…the media has been a joke over the last several years…so left leaning it's pathetic… He isn't trashing the freedom of the press as some fool will likely say..rather he's pointing out the idiocy of receiving half-truths (lies) from our "press"."

And... so... his suggestion that a reporter should take sides, and the media should be abolished, would be solving this problem how?

I actually feel kinda bad for conservatives who aren't complete morons. There must be some out there, and government works better with intelligent voices from all perspectives. But stuff like this... I mean, wow... why bother attacking the conservative media and it's defenders when they just make themselves look like such idiots all by themselves?