You coulda fooled me...
From the Baltimore Sun: Race is expected to be a factor in W. Va vote.
"I'm not voting for that n--, and I ain't no racist when I say that either."
-- Anonymous West Virginia Democrat
And I thought the red-state plumbers and builders and blacksmiths or whatever, who don't even know the difference between gross and net income and consequently will vote against their own financial self interest, were ignorant.
West Virginia is now the frontrunner for the "hairy mole on the ass of the United States" award, ousting Alaska. What are we, in 1950? Jesus. Get a grip rednecks. Or lay off the meth. Whatever. Just do something other than confirming the stereotype of your stupidity.
On the other hand, there's a story of which I've now read a few different versions, all of which may well be true. Two have been reported at, including one on Friday that wasn't a "my friend knows somebody who..." story (typical of urban legends). They actually talked to the person who made the call.
The version reported on Friday at has a phone canvasser calling a house and talking to a woman. The woman's husband comes on the line and says "ma'am, we're voting for the n***er" and hangs up.
In searching for other versions of the story, I ended up finding lots of sites that deserve at least nominations for "hairy mole on the ass of the internet," and many of the owners of those sites don't have the excuse of poor schooling and resentment due to the ruling class's constant use of racism to divide the lower classes over the years. These are educated people who had everything they could have needed to become reasonable non-racist adults, but failed to do so.
A few other "we're voting for the n***er" stories (all of which may well be true, as I said above) are here.
I admit I was originally interested in seeing Edwards win the primary. When he decided to take public funding in the primary, there was basically no path for him to the White House. I am pissed off at him for even running when he knew what an affair would do to his candidacy if he were the nominee, but I still like his policies and the way he articulated them. When he decided to drop out, I took a careful look at both Clinton and Obama. I was not fond of the way Clinton, and especially her husband, acted in the primary campaign against Obama, but they have more than redeemed themselves since Obama was nominated, ESPECIALLY HILLARY, WHO HAS KICKED MUCH ASS. Bill took longer and was still sending mixed messages for a while, but will be campaigning with Obama in Florida in the next few days.
I was impressed by the campaign Obama ran, and I have continued to be really impressed. If I knew last year what I know now about Obama (I knew him from the '04 Dem convention speech, which was great, and a lot of discussion of him on blogs, but have learned a lot more about him since then), I would have still liked Edwards, but I would have supported Obama over him.
Obama appears to have the makings of a very good president. He's going to have a huge mess to clean up, so success is far from guaranteed, but I am voting for Obama more than I am voting against McCain. Don't get me wrong; I think McCain and Palin are loathsome and I'd have voted against them no matter who the Dem nominee had been, but Obama really appears to be calm and rational, understand the issues AND THE CONSTITUTION in a profound way, and his one time running a big organization as the chief executive, his campaign, has been unbelievably well-run. He appears to know how to listen to people who know more than he about specific issues and make informed, intelligent decisions. He knows how to make a good plan, adjusting it for external conditions without overreacting, sticking to what works, believing in himself and those he has brought in to help him. He knows how to delegate effectively while still maintaining his basic principles.
Bill Clinton was a much more succesful president than I expected him to be, despite some major failures. My expectations for Obama are higher, but I believe he might actually come through, despite the difficult situation he'll be inheriting.
Keep in mind how perfect his campaign had to be for him to get where he is now. Racism isn't just "I'm not votin' for that n****r."
Ask yourself:
What if McCain had been president of the Harvard Law Review and Obama had been a legacy admission who finished fifth from the bottom of a class of nearly a thousand in college?
What if McCain were still married to his first and only wife, and Obama left his first wife, who waited for him while he was a prisoner for 5 years, because she had suffered a car accident that left her impaired, shorter, and less visually appealing than she had been before? What if Obama had then married a much younger heiress whose family funded his political ascension?
Speaking of the wives, what if Cindy McCain had graduated from Harvard and Michelle Obama had been the one who was addicted to painkillers and illegally obtained them from her charitable organization?
What if Obama had been a member of the Keating Five?
What if McCain were an inspiring and eloquent orator?
I like the pic on this page...
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