Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Old Kitchen

Well, I have a functioning sink now. You are looking at my "temporary" kitchen... the "old" kitchen, soon to be the new kitchen, is through the door. I'll have a fridge sometime soon, really. In my last post I said I was going to salvage the old sink temporarily. After mucking with it for a little while I decided that it was just too nasty to live with even for a couple months. So I checked on Craig's List, hoping to find a cheap cabinet & sink I could use for a while, maybe from someone else's kitchen remodel or something. No luck. But Noah pointed me to the The Loading Dock in Baltimore, a non-profit organization that "recycles" used building materials. Their target audience is low-income homeowners and builders, but anyone can join. A really cool place - and they had exactly what I needed. The cabinet, chunk of counter and completely functional stainless steel sink with Delta fixture set me back the princely sum of $70. Don't be surprised to see it become a wet bar in the basement when the real kitchen's finished...

The original kitchen for this house was actually in the same spot as this temporary sink and base cabinet. You can see discoloration on the wood floor where the old counters used to sit, and the water pipes were simply rerouted through the wall - they still protrude through the floor in this room. So, for a little while anyway, the kitchen has been restored to it's original location.

The old kitchen... sink used to be under those cabinets. The PVC pipes next to the doorway is new plumbing and goes to my "temporary" kitchen, on the other side of that wall. That is also most likely temporary as the sink is probably going to be in a different place when the kitchen is reconstructed. Unfortunately the existing stack there was steel and was so rotted out, I couldn't save it even for a couple months.

Back door of my house from kitchen.

That's the original stove. The thing leaning against it was the sink counter.

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